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A Few Things To Note About Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are ancient small metal skull shaped bowls made by mixing various metals to produce a singing sound. The various metals used in the singing bowls include gold, copper, silver, iron, mercury, tin and lead. Historically the metals used in manufacturing the singing bowls had a certain significance, for instance gold represented sun, silver represented moon, mercury represented planet mercury, iron represented planet mars, copper represented planet Venus, tin represented planet Jupiter and lead to represent planet Saturn.

The sound that the singing bowl produces is determined by various factors such as the shape of the bowl, its thickness as well as the thickness of its rim. Unlike most of the musical instruments, the singing bowl does not require one to have skills to be able to play it. For the beginners, the experience of playing the singing bowl can be more enjoyed if one puts the bowl on the palm rather than on a surface. The finger of the hand the bowl is laying should be stretch as holding the bowl may interfere with the vibrations. Holding the striker like a pen, tap the bowl slowly and with a constant pressure around the rims. One can either play with the wrist straight or rotating as they feel comfortable. Visit this website for more details.

The singing bowls have a relaxing sensation which makes them useful in meditation and yoga classes too. The singing bowls are mainly used during the beginning and the end of the meditation period as it produces a beautiful sound that soothes and calms a person which helps one to focus their mind. This traditional method has been adopted by practitioners of alternative medicine to help those in need of therapeutic treatments.

One of the places that one can be able to purchase a singing bowl is from the Silver Sky Imports. Silver Sky Imports is an online shops that specialize in selling of hand made goods from Asian countries such as Tibet, India and Nepal which also includes the singing bowls in wholesale as well as in retail. In the sale of singing bowls, the Silver Sky Imports provides the customers with sound samples, pictures and descriptions for each bowl. When purchasing a singing bowl you should consider the material used to make it as well as how it was made, whether machine made or hand made. The handmade singing bowls are more preferred as they are special and unique.

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